A 21st Century Leadership Perspective

You Know, There Really is a Difference!

The left side of the graphic provides a way to envision how the industrial ideas of bureaucracy, management and leadership (as position) in an organization complemented each other. Powered by Frederick Taylor's concept of scientific management (time and motion studies) people were for the most part treated as interchangeable parts i.e. cogs in a wheel.

It was wholly impersonal, a machine way of thinking about people, their talents and what they brought to the organizational mix.

But times have changed.

The right side of the graphic shows the interconnected, knowledge powered, socially networked, complex and rapidly changing environment which is the reality of the world today. In this 21st Century world, people are not cogs in a wheel, they are the very capital upon which organizations bring value to and achieve their mission.

These ideas form the core of our philosophy, that leadership must focus on melding a multitude of diverse talent and individual ability into collaborative, interdependent and unified action capable of creating a force for change in a world changing everyday.

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